What to do with your Award Letter?


After going back and forth with different schools, you’ve finally picked the college you’ll be attending. But that’s not all you have to do. In regards to the award letter, there are some final steps to get past to make sure you receive all of the financial aid that you’re qualified for.


  1. Accept the Award Letter – This is probably the biggest misnomer in all of college admissions. Once you choose a college, you have to go to that college’s student portal and make sure to accept the award letter you were offered, or else you won’t be given any financial aid at all. Make sure to accept any grants or scholarships you’ve been awarded (since it is free money), but ask us any questions you have regarding taking out loans.


  1. Check Your College Portal – Your college will send out important notifications and need additional documents for your enrollment in the fall. They usually display all of this information on their student portal, which can only be accessed with a username and password that you probably received with your application acceptance or notice of admission, so make sure you’re constantly checking!



  1. Send us a Copy of your Award Letter – We like to keep track of your success with acquiring financial aid for families, so please send us a copy of your award letter or bring it in with you the next time you come in and we’ll make a copy. There also may be the opportunity to appeal your award, where we submit a request to the college for additional funding. We need your award letter to see where you stand and how best to appeal the award. Thanks!



Your almost done with the college admissions process, so don’t quit now. Stay focused and make sure you accept the financial aid you were awarded by the school. Congratulations again!